JONATHAN WEBB in Prato in May

JONATHAN WEBB in Prato in May

On Thursday 9 May at 21.00 Jonathan Webb will conduct with Camerata Strumentale di Prato at Teatro Politeama Pratese:

F. Busoni        Berceuse élégiaque

E. Grieg          Concerto in A minor op. 16 for piano and orchestra

J. Sibelius      Symphony No. 5 in E flat major op. 82

New concert by the MDI ENSEMBLE at the Shoah Memorial in Milano

New concert by the MDI ENSEMBLE at the Shoah Memorial in Milano

On Wednesday 8 May at 17:30 and 19:15, mdi ensemble will play a new programme for the cycle I Sommersi e i Salvati in collaboration with Società del Quartetto di Milano:

Leone Sinigaglia                Serenata op. 33 for string trio

Erwin Schulhoff                Duo for violin and cello

Pavel Haas                         Quartet for strings no. 1

CRISTINA ZAVALLONI at Modena Belcanto Festival in Nonantola

CRISTINA ZAVALLONI at Modena Belcanto Festival in Nonantola

On Wednesday 8 May at 8:30 p.m., at Teatro Troisi in Nonantola, Cristina Zavalloni will sing the programme Canzoni dal Novecento accompanied by pianist Enrico Zanisi: a musical journey between jazz and contemporary music dedicated to Ives, Eisler, Stravinsky, Carmichael, Weill, Ellington and Schultze.